SSEScript is a tool to replace the Creation Kit's default script editor. It provides the same functionality, as well as dozens of other features - some the same as other script editors, like Sublime Papyrus, and many unique to SSE. (You may find a list of all the included features below.) SSE is my way of giving back to the wonderful modding community.
This is a tool strictly for Nexus modders, not mod users. If you don't understand it or the code being used, then this tool is not for you. It is used for the practice of Skyrim scripting.
After five years of updates and adding new tools to this program, also we can't forget to mention all the sleepless night trying to find bugs that always crawling away.

What is new in this release is a re thinking of the core and I think I got most of these bugs out. It's now compatible with Skyrim VR and Fallout 4 I think didn't try it and will be waiting for reply from the users. Also the settings are easier to use, almost recreate an application for the settings only. Added a function that will help me more for finding the errors, I get in average 1 error report every other month. So for me it's hard to see if it's an error cause on the client side or mine, now there is a check box checked by default to send me silently does important errors report and that will make a big difference. New is an auto settings backup, save settings and restore settings.
Also new in this version is that you can now choose your input and output folder, You can now decompile Pex by dragging it in the editor for some reason you must have at least one open script first for the drag and drop process to work, or open a pex from file menu. To be able to decompile you must follow the instructions in the help menu or in question and answer at the bottom of this description.
Hope you enjoy it

Future Plans:

- Edit existing script.
- Create new script from within the editor.
- Quick compile with Ctrl+S.
- Compilation error/success window.
- Filter for opening script with options of "Starts with" and "Contains".
- Auto complete (SKSE support as well).
- Syntax highlighting.
- Customization of highlighting colors from within the editor.
- Clean, professional look.
- Extreme customization of all features.
- Easy to use.
- Resizeable/minimizable code and compilation result windows.
- Highlighting of words that are the same as selected.
- File Diff tool to show differences between two scripts.
- Bookmarking line feature.
- Mark line as green/yellow/red.
- Comment out current line feature.
- Line cloning.
- Column selecting.
- Custom auto completes.
- "Draft" save (save without compiling).
- Code folding.
- Macro recording.
- Line numbers (toggle able).
- Export to "rtf" or "html" an "UTF16 LE". * New
- Various hot-keys for functions, like Go To Line, Replace, and many more.
- Auto update feature or update from within editor. * New
- Online help and support.
- Tab functionality, including tab all selected lines.
- Copy and paste functionality.
- Spell check on commented out areas and strings.
- Multiple tabs "files".
- Drag tabs.
- Drag and drop files directly in the editor.
- Open recent.
- Open last session.
- Auto open last file at start-up.
- Custom tab style.
- Syntax highlighting color preset "theme".
- Spelling check as now four styles to choose from.
- Customizable spelling color.
- Auto indent.
- Definition to event and function words in the editor when mouse over.
- Definition to event and function words in the Auto complete menu when selected.
- Renaming of script.
- Able now to create project and copy all the psc and pex to a project name folder.
- Color themes to main application, you can change the frame color from many color choice.
- Print capabilities. * New
- Set selected as read only. * New
- Set selected as writable. * New
- Auto find path with Skyrim VR capabilities . * New
- Manual Skyrim VR Path. * New
- Move "Source\Scripts" to "scripts\source". * New
- Backup application settings. * New
- Restore application settings. * New
- Reset application settings to default. * New
- Auto backup application settings. * New
- New settings form easier to use. * New
- Auto Send Errors Report To LuJoSoft. * New
- Yandex Translation. Translate select words or phrase. * New
- Online search for select Papyrus Reference. * New
- Possibility to decompile Pex file. * New
- Full list of all Papyrus functions, that can be added to the editor by double click. * New
- Work with Fallout 4. * New
- And much more, don't have enough paper to write them all
- Something new everyday!!!
- Ask and you will get it.
- Skyrim
- Skyrim SE
- Skyrim VR 99% sure
[* Fallout 4 99% sure
System requirement:
- .Net framework 4.7.2 If you don't have it install the installer will do it
- Download
- Double click "SSEScriptSetup.exe"
- Enjoy
How to use it for the first time
- Before starting the application, make sure you did start the game at least once from the game launcher " not SKSE ".
- Unpack the Scripts.zip that comes with Creation Kit.
- Then start the app, it will ask you to auto find the game installation let it.
- If that fail you can specify it manually in the menu tools.
- In Menu Game Version, choose which version you want to compile for.
- Now your ready to go.
Questions and Answers
I’m getting compilation failed?
Open the output window and check the errors, it will tell you which line failed.
I’m getting compilation failed cause to many line of unknown functions?
You are creating a script that use reference from another script, make sure those scripts are in the sources folder.
I’m getting compilation failed cause missing TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg?
In the tool menu click the “Create TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg”, then retry compiling.
I can't drag and drop files to open them?
It's because you are running the program as admin, so either you run the
program without admin privilege or you run windows explorer as admin.
I’m getting error file not found and I'm sure it's there, I double even triple check?
In most case you are running windows 10, win 10 is blocking access to the
folder, you need to allow the application in ransomware.
Other case would be your anti virus blocking access to the folder, do the save as above.
I don’t have a Yandex Translation Key how do I get it?
In menu Preferences click the “Yandex Translation Settings”, in the settings window click the “Get Yandex key here” create a free
user account and get a key, then enter it in the application.
Open Pex file is gray out?
First thing you must do is to download the Champollion a PEX to Papyrus decompiler
For Skyrim
Download link: Champollion for Skyrim
Extract file where ever you want. You must copy these 4 files in the SSEScript\Champollion\Skyrim folder
- Champollion.exe
- Decompiler.dll
- Pex.dll
- vcredist_x64.exe
Download link: Champollion for Fallout 4
Extract file where ever you want. You must copy the file Champollion.exe in the SSEScript\Champollion\Fallout folder.
Then restart or start SSEScript and in the menu file the "Open Pex File" will be enable, you can use that button to open the pex file or you can drag and drop as many as you want from windows explorer